Rules |
1. Posting illegal content on the website that is denounced by the international laws, including constitutional laws etsablished in Russia which include forbidden content such as CSAM spam and other conflicting sources which are forbidden by federal law. For more information about particular, check Q&A commentation. 2. Intentionally disrupting the server and the website's functionalities so that they become unusable. (Via DDos overloading spamming, bruteforcing methods) 3. Linking to other forums, ads, discord servers, chatrooms and websites, etc which safety is not confirmed with user interfaces. 4. Posting NSFW content where it is specifically restricted, such as porn or gore footage. |
Forum Q&A commentation |
What does CSAM spam mean? |
CSAM is considered pornography about children, that includes other things that are restricted as are sexualized depictions of children in cartoon or fictional setting. |
Can I post other illegal content such as death threats, drug trafficking and selling illegal arms? |
No. |
Why is the webpage or my site blacklisted on |
To protect the website, some websites end up being blacklisted upon being found through spamy advertisements, holding the malware or harmful reason. |
What happens if I break a rule? |
If you a break a rule, you will likely have to appeal to moderation which is done through the appeal system on the site. |
What if I am offended? |
Being offended isn't included in the lists of things that are considered bannable to the accused party, consdering it as circumstantial offense. |
What is bump? |
Bump is when you publish a Reply in the thread which leads thread to take first place on the index page. |
What is sage? |
Sage is when you post in another thread and put on sage in the email field which leads to sage not getting bumped. |
Bump Tags |
Bumping older thread constantly results in being called necrobumping. |
I sent an appeal and they didn't reply. |
Note appeals can be denied depending on the rules you broke. If you think it wasn't wrong, you can contact woot at |
Text Formatting |
>green quote markdown < orange quote markdown ^third quote *BOLD TEXT* ''CURVE TEST'' ==RED TEXT== __UNDERLINE__ --BLUE TEXT-- And that's it. There are no more other formatting types. |