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/bb/ - Big Boobies

Password (For file deletion.)

/chudpol/ is now up. You will come back and no, you shall stay here. Share your CULTURE. SHARE IT!

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Yes, you can't post women with breasts smaller than B cup and you must post NSFW only that can't cause any legal trouble.
That includes minor abuse and real sexual harassment, however most fictional images are somewhat legal, AS LONG AS THEY ARE DEPICTING FANTASY.

Note the exception: CSAM information on the rule page.

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post oversized anime tiddies here


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You first

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Horses don't have human bodies with boobs on top, kill yourself faggot degenerate.

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Twilight gem

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you niggers are so fucking stupid. BWC created that shit. tiny micro black cock will result no more of that.


Even tho shes asian


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>Umm… I hope my new nigger students don't get too distracted by my fat ass today …

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gooning like there is no tomorrow

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ITT we post tessa fowler, the woman with the best bewbs on the interwebzzzzzzz
tits > ass btw

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test, first post on chudpol


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test again, and why is my name Gooner when i didn't type that in the name field?


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Ok i see…
experimenting with different default names for different boards. But now no country flags. We should always have country flags.



Saggy shit, kys

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Rate this /BB-Sisa/
7 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


mommy & daddy it is time you know the truth.🏳️‍⚧️ My clitty is becoming so tiny!! 🥹 My body my choise🖤 I accept defeat👊🏿🖤 ♠️All Power & Glory to the #BNWO ♠️I Pay #Reparations. ♠️I am sorry for being white. ♠️Only #BlackLivesMatter


this is fucking helelllll-


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Gemmy board


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Kill yourself ponytroon

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