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/pol/ - Politically Correct

Political discussions available for everyone that encompass both freedom and rights to free judgement.
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/chudpol/ is now up. You will come back and no, you shall stay here. Share your CULTURE. SHARE IT!

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05a999 No.53610[Reply][Last 95 Posts]

what does seldomness pillular aerator airdates marathi

14 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

fff729 No.53789

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3badd0 No.43400[Reply]

User Discretion is advised.

/pol/ is a board created for holding free dialogue on course of variety of different events.

/pol/ is mostly A Political Board
You will be able to post your opinion.
Although You are Free to express yourself, however you want some basic principles of polite conversation are upholded.
You can post whatever you want on this board, as long as it doesn't break other policies. Though, it is mostly oriented towards political conversation, however other topics are often applicable.

This board /pol/ will no go away, though. You shall stay here on /pol/ permanently.
The board is eternal.

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f39e1b No.53844[Reply]

>moving active threads to locked boards

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8be313 No.53839[Reply]

>I am not even him omg imagine being this obsessed

d05959 No.53840

You have accidentally opened /pol/ for intruders.

582da7 No.53841


e6141a No.53838[Reply]

You can sneak into here, but you can't post.

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b3716c No.53827[Reply][Last 95 Posts]

jews how do we even explain this to goys?

f98acd No.53828

we don't speak hebrew odessaxista we don't know what's going on

ea1aa5 No.53830

even doe i kharkiv
The video shows that the Jew was injected through his clothes, so he wasn't vaccinated at all

ddb615 No.53837

are you serious

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3e1937 No.53829[Reply][Last 95 Posts]

>'ru armenigger knows i went to some fields with my dad once
which one of you is this

1c1da1 No.53831

you'll never catch me

abcf7a No.53832

You can never 'ox me

3e1937 No.53833

i revealed this on here doe

abcf7a No.53835

What do you mean?

3e1937 No.53836

i said i went to some fields on this website

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43b987 No.53826[Reply]

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5d94fd No.53823[Reply]

white people can only cheat and lie

32f648 No.53824

Ononono… whitexisters this isn't looking good…

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d0e571 No.53804[Reply][Last 95 Posts]

I apologize for that downtime

ac4693 No.53809

Why does the site only work if you put www.chudpol.ru tho

d0e571 No.53821

it works either way. it might have been error.

ac4693 No.53822

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If i write just chudpol.ru in the search bar ir shows this

I have to write www.chudpol.ru to access the site

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17c48e No.53735[Reply][Last 95 Posts]

i am white or not

11 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

301c8f No.53781

you are white.

17c48e No.53783

thanks woot

c6a0f1 No.53785

Balding is aryan

6f814c No.53786

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e45065 No.53820


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