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/chudpol/ is now up. You will come back and no, you shall stay here. Share your CULTURE. SHARE IT!

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Good morning


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wish it was with me the same.

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posting memes


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that's crazy black people win.


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Shut this shit site down


come and shut it yourself, faggot


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>Shut this shit site down


Who tf are u
Go back sandnigger


I will cry if you shut it

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How to become first world country guide like America (US edition)
1. Take loans from international banks
2. never pay
3. take more
4. ???
5. Done!


woot being a nigger lover as usual

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o algo


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2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


March, 1st. I don't celebrate it though.





touhou is for shitskins




it overrated

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why is (((trump))) like this
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sending trillions to israel is a cornerstone of american culture




They're our greatest ally after all


russian truth nuke


look at the evil laugh Hillary Clinton has.

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I just checked on shartypol
Why is it so gemmy holy fuck i wish i was never banned
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i wanna troll the portusissy but i'm not getting datamined


why did you get banned


Ban evasion


Shartypol is dead and niggerhell antimatter


Portu is whiter than you though

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Why wont chudson2004 just get therapy?

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Someone send me chudraj's face.


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come to chud(.)win


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yo sandaryan you there

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i just farted and blood came out

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I am back
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Are you that cuban?


I post there too retard


you're rangebanned


I'm not lol


welcome back >>31781


azuma if she was white

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cadogods winning as usual

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