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/g/ - Games

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our response?


they look good together.

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Videogame stories peaked before 2010 and outside of a few exceptions everything that came out afterwards is boring and gay on an unprecedented level [fact]
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>That's very vague and think you're just projecting some insecurity about yourself at this point. What games do you have in mind that responsible adults play?

None, responsible adult never plays videogames. He sits and works until he dies of exhaustion and provides for his family for the rest of his remaining last days.


Damn nigga you boring as hell


that's sad but that's not what I have come up with.


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You sound like a insufferable faggot. Just transition already and oil up for me corny ass nigga


in retrorespect I forgot what I have referred to when I said that.

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imagine spending 2 hours to make this .


2 hours to watch
more to write the script/edit/post
who watches this slop anyway


Actual troons from twitter.



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it's crazy how i can't find gameplay of this game anywhere https://makeourway.com/

it's really cool game but its no longer working through internet.
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this game is very hard to search for, I hope I can increase its search algorithm by putting it on the board catalog. (note the game can't be played anymore online)


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there are now multiple images on many boards.


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The game is coop and the main idea behind it is that you play with stranger. You have to help the stranger without any form of communication outside the emotes.


I want to rule about locking the posts that feature lost media.


Getting liminal vibes from this fr

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in this game you coop with other player who has to solve puzzles mostly by going to this portal and jumping on invisible portals however I don't exactly remember the full game.

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just got a nintendo switch what game should i try

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What's the best gaming console?
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The controllers are very similar and I remember that Sega was asking for Xbox to support playing Dreamcast games but like I said before it's really not the same, at least Xbox got some sequels to some of Sega's best
As someone who's played a ton of indie slop it is pretty gay and most just become obscurities nobody outside of that sphere hears about


microvision was the best console of all time


>Gaming era that was before Dreamcast was killed
yea, back in the 80s and 90s games could still be made by a handful of people. you'd have a programmer, and maybe a music and art guy, but that was basically it. this allowed for more creative freedom, than you do when you have millions of dollars and hundreds of people working on it.


I think it's opposite, people are too comfortable with making shit games like back in the in the console era. reminder that arcade games were insanely good while consoles had absolute shit content for like 15 years at least, at that point/


now games are kind of graphically advanced, but still shit. imo graphics dont matter that much in games but it means you put effort instead of omorishit.

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should i buy the new fortnite battle pass
if so what support a creator code should i use
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that was just me learning language. i cant learn it if i dont get excited about that


o k
should i get the battle pass though


also why are you learning Portuguese


I want to move there though.


what about the fortnite battle pass though
should i get it

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